Vermicomposting Activity

For Earth Day at my son’s preschool I was in charge of the Vermicomposting booth. For the kids who didn’t want to interact with the live worms and dirt I had available I made this activity. I had a lot of fun making this one! Each piece is laminated to make it last. It was a lot of work for my wife and I cutting these out!


I chose a very simplified and fun representation of the Vermicomposting process because the age of the children. Basically in your composting you would have your box filled with soil and newspaper scraps. That is the worm’s home. It has a layer below it that allows for moisture buildup to escape.

thebox copy.jpg

I made several printouts of the dirt ball that makes the worm’s home. The worms were a lot of fun, imagining what a worm family did in their compost home got a lot of giggles.

An important part of the activity was teaching what is and what is not compostable. So I added some inorganic objects to reinforce that lesson. The grapes were especially hard to cut out, I only accidentally cut two of them off when it was done!